The above video is a commentary on the state of this
World and it's illogical hatred of Israel.
Am Yisrael Chai
The People Of Israel Live
Thank YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, that YOU continue to
enable and strengthen the Nation of Israel
during this most difficult time.
Thank YOU LORD also for the unity within the Nation
and the love of the people of Israel, one for the other.
Grant them LORD the victory over their enemies,
Let those who hate Israel be dismayed and shattered according
to YOUR Holy Word.
Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem. they Shall Prosper Who Love Thee
May Peace Be Within Your Walls
And Tranquility Within Your Palaces
We encourage you all to pray for the People of Israel at this terrible time
for the families of the victims of the atrocity which took place on October 7th.
for the wounded and those who remain in captivity, whilst we continue
to pray for those released captives who struggle with all that has
occurred in their lives, we pray for that the LORD GOD will bless and
comfort them in their time of great need.
LORD we pray that YOU will grant healing to those who suffer and
mourn, and bring back the captives to their families .
For the sake of YOUR Great Name we ask and pray
In the Name of JESUS our LORD and SAVIOUR
You can now join us on Telegram at EPIPHANY Ministries Tasmania
A Short Message To The World
For Such A Time As This
Do not let your heart be troubled; Believe in GOD , believe also in ME.
In MY FATHER'S House are many dwelling places;
if it were not so, I would have told you;
For I go to prepare a place for you.
If I go to prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you to MYSELF,
That where I AM, there you may be also... ..John 14:1-3 (NASB)
That He gave His only begotten Son John 3:16
We celebrate the Church which belongs to our LORD and SAVIOUR , JESUS MESSIAH, Who has sent the Holy Spirit to be our Guide and help until the end of the CHURCH AGE, when the full number of the Gentiles is brought in.
We pray for YOUR soon return LORD JESUS, we pray for YOUR Church, YOUR Bride and for the Remnant in Israel, that we will be found ready, chaste and looking upward, on the day of YOUR visitation.
So we say Maranatha, Come Soon LORD JESUS, Name.
Dear Friends
Be filled with Holy Spirit in love and understanding. We, along with all who are associated with this Ministry lift each one of you in prayer, counting you as part of this loving group, as part of the Body of MESSIAH, and servants of our LORD.
As we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Bridegroom
Maranatha, Come LORD JESUS
Because we love the Word of GOD, we at Epiphany Ministries
are careful to use only reliable translations of the Bible.
So with this in mind we are pleased to use the
LEGACY STANDARD translation of GOD's Holy Word unless otherwise advised.